Hurry.The four who are there.bring them here. Topics/comments requesting ROMS or other pirated material will be deleted.

Links to websites selling Majora's Mask collector items are generally disallowed, though exceptions may be made for official Nintendo items, or for accounts with a post history in Zelda related subreddits and who don't appear to be the seller or site owner.

swf in a browser (not that any browser support flash anymore), standalone flash player, or just grab the bundled flash projector and run the exe. Submitted fan content should credit the original creators if possible, when credit can't be found be sure to at least note that it's not your creation. Written in actionscript 3 with flashpunk, slightly modified with SHiLLySiT's input.as for right click support. This includes, but is not limited to: artwork (both fan and official,) music, theories, fan projects. (More expensive/difficult to obtain than the N64 version.)Īll content must concern The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask in some way. This is a Majoras Mask Randomzier created by 95Shade. Majora's Mask on this disk suffers from occasional game freezing and an over-sensitive joystick.